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Aracajú - Sergipe

In 1855, Aracaju is transformed into a province capital. Thanks to the youth of this little great city, the capital of Sergipe received a modern urban planning. Along the time has been increasingly discovered as a tourist destination for those seeking a very urbanized city, beautiful, peaceful and safe.
Nothing missing here, handicraft centers, restaurants, bars and urban beaches. Do not forget to take a boat ride to the mouth of São Francisco or the famous beaches of Mangue Seco. Small historic towns of São Cristóvão and Laranjeira complete the circuit by the beautiful region of Aracaju.

Dont Miss!

Atalaia beach

Atalaia Beach is the center of the buzz of the capital, with its structure to receive the traveler with a gorgeous visual, bars and restaurants. Moreover, there is the "Passarela do Caranguejo" where the name says it all: the favorite delicacy of specialties from Sergipe.

Aracajú Oceanarium

Aracajú Oceanarium offers 18 tanks of fresh and saltwater, with turtles, sharks and specimens of local marine fauna.


Boat rides

Take a boat ride, the options are varied: from  Foz do Rio São Francisco, the iconic "Old Boy", to Mangue Seco - a famous beach in Bahia.

City Park

Pride of the local people, is a green area with zoo, observatory and other attractions. Address: Av. Corinto Leite.


The beaches around the area offer entertainment for all tastes, from deserts to local areas with kiosks, full of dunes and palm trees. Some highlights: Aruana, do Robalo, do Sarney, dos Náufragos, do Refúgio, dos Artistas (o “Havaizinho” dos surfistas).


Atalaia Beach is the gastronomic center, with restaurants serving  international food and authentic regional cuisine. Fish and dried meat, seafood and cassava, fish sauce and roast goat.


Aracaju Convention Bureau
(79) 3249-4546
(79) 3249-4645
(79) 3214-8848

Tropical, with temperatures between 18 C and 36 º C.


On the road
Aracaju binds to main Brazilian cities by highways 101 and 235. Access to São Cristóvão and Laranjeiras is the BR-101.

By air
Aracaju Airport, officially called “Aeroporto de Santa Maria”, at 10 km from the city center and receives regular flights from the main capitals of the country.

Distances from Aracaju:

Brasília: 1741 km
Rio de Janeiro: 1855 km
São Paulo: 2168 km
Salvador: 337 km
Maceió: 290 km
São Cristóvão: 30 km
Laranjeiras: 23 km

Best Times

In March the Sergipe coast is hotter: average maximum of 29.8 ° C. The mean minimum recorded in August is 21.6 ° C. The state has on average 113 days of sunshine annually. The dry season runs from September to February, the best time to visit its quiet beaches and Aracaju.

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