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Bonito - Mato Grosso do Sul

"Bonito" is really gorgeous!! Its one of the main visited ecotourism and adventure tourism destinations in Brazil. There are so many wonderful attractions. The city is known for its crystaline waters and for its diversified aquatic fauna. The contrast of colored fish with bright green vegetation provides a wonderful visual. In Bonito you can also go rafting, trekking, horseback riding, visit waterfalls, caves, diving and abseiling. In Bonito all you can find is really wonderful.

Dont Miss!!

"Boca da Onça"
Boca de Onça is a waterfall with 156m high.To get there, you have to walk during 3 hours in the forest and along that route you can find more than 10 little waterfalls. To reach the highest you have 2 options: a 4x4 vehicle or the 800 step staircase. At the end of the route, you will have a wonderful view over the Salobra river canyon and can relax in a pool with fishes.

Anhumas abyss
70 meters below, the visitor finds a water mirror with the size of a football field, with 80m depth. Beyond rappelling the visitor can also dive. This program is specially recomended for physically resistant people.


"Lagoa Misteriosa" - Misterious Lagoon
Good tip for those who enjoy diving. At Lagoa Misteriosa you can dive in depth and its clear waters will impress you.

"Rio de Prata" - Silver River
With its crystaline waters, its one of the best places for floating and see the beautiful fishes.

"Aquário Natural" (Reserva Ecológica Baía Bonita) - Natural Aquarium
This aquarium is formed by the water source of "Rio Formoso", with crystaline waters, full of exotic plants and schools of colorful fishes, that can easily be seen by the visitors. In the aquarium you can also find a bar and, restaurant and a museum of natural history about local ecosystems and even a pool of hot water.

"Buraco das Araras" - Macaws Gap
In "Jardim", you can see the famous Buraco das Araras, an huge gap in wich are concentrated numerous macaws.

"Gruta do Lago Azul" - Blue Lagoon Cavern
Considered as natural heritage, fascinates the visitors with the beauty of its natural sculptures. Formed in a limestone, has 87m depth and a wonderful blue lagoon. Is located on the Anhumas Farm, 22 KM from Bonito and offers a wonderful show on the morning , between 7h30 and 9:30, the sun rays invade the cave and reflects over the water, turning it crystaline. The site access is via a staircase with 200 irregular steps.


Conselho Municipal de Turismo
(67) 3255-2160

Bonito Convention & Visitors Bureau
(67) 3255-2207

Tropical. with temperatures around 32ºC.


By land:
From Campo Grande (Mato Grosso do Sul Capital): BR-060 or BR-262

Distances from Bonito:
Campo Grande - 312 km
São Paulo - 1135 km
Rio de Janeiro - 1583 km

Best times
You can visit bonito all over the year, but the ideal is between December and March, during de rainy period, when the vegetation is green and is easier to see the animals.


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